Learning in lockdown


In these extraordinary times that we are in, parents and carers across the world are finding themselves thrown into the new land of homeschooling and many are feeling the pressure, understandably so. Whilst schools are shifting to remote learning and adults are shifting to working from home, it is an extraordinarily large ask of parents to suddenly become proficient homeschool educators.  This is not something that can or will happen overnight and not something you are expected to know how to do. In these early days and weeks of adjustment, the most important focus is on the wellbeing of you and your family, not on making sure your child’s grades don’t slip. This is surprisingly unimportant actually in the scheme of things.

So take a moment, take a deep breath and read a few simple pieces of advice from teachers and educators on easing the transition to a home schooling environment (click on the image below to open the PDF guide).


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